
Six steps to investing abroad

If a Canadian company owns all or part of a business in a foreign country, it is engaging in Canadian direct investment abroad, or CDIA. Such firms are not necessarily large businesses—many small to medium-sized Canadian enterprises (SMEs) are discovering that investing abroad can have many benefits, including:


Five steps to managing your foreign exchange risk

It’s an unfortunate fact that not many Canadian exporters are really good at managing their foreign exchange (FX) risk. This seems surprising, since every exporting company knows that changes in the FX rate of the Canadian dollar can pose risks to its profit margins and cash flow.


6 ways to lower risk when selling to foreign customers

Any good contract protects you and your customer when you do business together. But when you start selling abroad, you have to think about your sales agreements in a different way. In this post, we’ll look at six strategies for writing solid contracts that will help you avoid problems with foreign customers and governments.