
The one thing that will guarantee you get paid in international business deals

Conducting proper due diligence is always a good first layer of protection against some of those risks, but is often not enough on its own to guarantee you’ll get paid in international business deals. International businesses need to focus on mitigating some of the more prevalent risks inherent in conducting business abroad.


Joel Fernandez, CITP|FIBP – Executive Director

Joel Fernandez is the Executive Director of the Global Chamber in Miami, Florida, and the Vice Chairperson of the Environmental Impact Committee in his town, and an international trade entrepreneur with his own company, Intradeservice LLC.


Bill Macheras, CITP|FIBP – Trade Commissioner

Even after working in international trade for almost fifteen years, Bill’s enthusiasm for his work as a Trade Commissioner is equaled only by his networking skills with others in the industry, and his knowledge of the everyday problems that SME’s face when exporting their goods.