
Jason Bernard, CITP|FIBP – International Trade Professional

Jason Bernard, CITP®|FIBP®, is a recent International Business graduate with experience as an international trade professional, working in retail, logistics, travel and tourism, and economic and business development. Through his travel experiences, Jason has developed a passion for working with people from all over the world, and helping to facilitate international trade in developing countries.


How you can use temporary importation tactics to succeed in export sales

There are plenty of reasons why businesses branch out from local to international sales. Expanding your business by taking it to a new market offers a wealth of advantages and opportunities. You can grow sales, balance out seasonal instability, extend the life cycle of your products, and tap into a completely new market. However, making those first inroads in a new market is a significant challenge. So, how do you build trust in your company and your product in a new region?


Master your inner chameleon and excel in exports

Today, the secret to excel in exports is to learn how to interact and be accepted by people who are not like us, who speak a different language, who think, act, feel and react differently to what we are used to. To do so, we need to learn from chameleons—a type of lizard that is distinguished by its ability to change skin color to match its surroundings.