Can Africa reinvent itself through the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AFCTA)?
Learn more about the importance of the new AFCTA free trade agreement to the development of Africa from one of our CITPs and trade experts.
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Learn more about the importance of the new AFCTA free trade agreement to the development of Africa from one of our CITPs and trade experts.
Trade leaders in the United States and Europe are discussing resuming TTIP talks, and touting the benefits of a trade deal between the United States and the EU.
We should have faith that trade progress is good. 85% or more of new opportunities in the next 5 years are somewhere outside of your country. Go for it!
For all the talk on free trade agreements, it can be hard to find SME-friendly information on how companies can benefit from them.
While President Trump is not a big supporter of multilateral trade deals, the rest of the world might still continue negotiating new ones without the U.S.
In an effort to manage and govern international trade, a number of international organizations (IOs) have been established.
Though it has many opponents, free trade is often ideal for national economies and can benefit every nation, company, and individual who participates in it.
Here are five ways Trump is expected to make change the landscape for global importers and exporters:
Experts point out that the UK could find relatively easy access to the European single market through the small European Free Trade Association (EFTA), but even that path to free trade could come with some difficulties.
Despite the loud arguments from certain circles for greater protectionism, there are still far greater benefits to more trade than to imposing new barriers.