
The story of how it all began for us, the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)

Like many before him—and some after as well—Dieter Hollweck learned how to do international trade from the ground up; through the school of hard knocks.

“Learning that way is very expensive, and can sometimes be deadly for your business,” says Dieter, the Forum for International Trade Training’s (FITT) founding father. “But everybody had an international trade horror story back then!”


International business professionals pay it forward

A newspaper article reporting on a recent BDC study about the benefits of Advisory Boards for entrepreneurs made me think of a CITP colleague who teaches FITT courses. Over time he has become an informal advisor to some of his students who are planning to get started in the international field.


Building a fast-paced career in global supply chain management and logistics

I graduated from Niagara College’s FITT Accredited Advanced Diploma program in International Business in 2011, having successfully completed business, logistics and commerce-related courses in both theory and application. Through my studies I developed an interest and desire to work in logistics and supply chain management.


Laxmi Patel, CITP|FIBP — Manager of Retail Operations

Laxmidhar Patel is Manager of Retail Operations for Loblaws Companies Limited. He has been working in the retail sector for last 10 years in India, the UK, China and Canada, and says it has been a path of growth for him.


Emmanuel Choute, CITP|FIBP — Trade Commissioner

Emmanuel Choute has been working as a Trade Commissioner for the Government of Canada for 9 years. He provides business policy and international market development strategy advice to help Canadian businesses grow internationally.


Belinda Mui, CITP|FIBP — Trade Advisor

Belinda Mui works as a Trade Advisor for Small Business BC. Her work history includes successfully launching several businesses ranging from online sales to trading internationally, and she has shipped to every continent in the world with the exception of Antarctica.


How to get hired for a career in international trade

Are you looking for a career in international trade? It is not all about searching, it is also about researching and showing potential employers that you are serious and that you make contact with them having already done your research.