How banks are supporting SMEs and global trade through their own digital marketplaces

In recent years large banks have experienced more competition from innovative fintech start-ups, credit unions and co-ops. These players cater to tech-savvy, values-driven millennials but…

Alessando Lazzaro

Alessando Lazzaro is an entrepreneur and business professional. After years of experience in Southeast Asia and Central Europe as a business advisor, Alessandro founded Globartis, a growing B2B marketplace where small and medium enterprises can find business partners, trade real estate, and raise or invest capital.

CITP Spotlight: Jorge Lara – Telecommunications and Information Technology Specialist 

Over the course of his decade in international trade, Jorge Lara has primarily worked in the public sector for the Mexican telecommunications and broadcasting regulatory…

Meghana Joshi

I am the Email Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training. My background is in content marketing, copywriting, research and creative writing. I am passionate about my craft and enjoy creating content that attracts, impacts and resonates with my audience.

Hiring grant options for Canadian employers

Many Canadian companies benefit from hiring intern students and recent post-secondary graduates. Not only do youth candidates possess the skills and enthusiasm to support operational…

Alena Barreca

As a Marketing Coordinator at Mentor Works, Alena helps Canadian business owners by creating educational content about government funding.