Contributors Wanted

Got an idea for an article? We want as many unique voices on TradeReady as possible. BUT we are sticklers for only publishing the best…

Human or machine translation for your international business communications?

Google or not to Google? That is the question. Or rather, when it comes to translating important international business communications, that’s one of the questions a new exporter may ask. That’s because free translation online—what the translation industry calls machine translation, or MT—can be really tempting to time- or budget-pressed exporters.

Terena Bell

Terena Bell is CEO of In Every Language, an language services provider offering translation, interpreting, and localization. She is a Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) board member and formerly served on the Association of Language Companies leadership council. She also sits on the Obama Administration’s White House Business Roundtable. Terena writes the popular column “Micro/Macro” for MultiLingual Magazine, and has been quoted by Inc, Forbes, and CNN Money.

Top 3 Ontario government grants to support growth of Canadian exporters

Canadian federal and provincial governments have stepped up to offer funding programs that help Canadian exporters that manufacture goods in Canada and are currently engaged in or planning to export in 2014.

Ryan Weaver

Ryan is a Marketing Analyst at Mentor Works and holds a B.A. in economics, as well as a M.Sc in management and several published works including two book publications. Ryan is actively engaged with business owners and executives to educate them about government grants and funding available to accelerate their growth and cash flow planning activities.

In how many ways can you get paid during international trade transactions?

The basic and most common forms of settlement of international trade transactions are open account (where payment on delivery is the most common), documentary collections,…

Jacob Varghese

Jacob is the VP of Marketing and Technology at the Forum for International Trade Training. Focused on improving the customer experience. A Content chef; words, images, some code and a healthy serving of web analytics.

Jingjing Xu, CITP|FIBP — Market Intelligence Specialist

Jingjing Xu is a Market Intelligence Specialist for Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP), and has been in the international businesses field for a number of years.

Daniella D'Alimonte

With her background in writing, marketing and business journalism, Daniella focuses on crafting quality stories and relevant content to inform and inspire the international business community.

Upcoming #TradeElite networking session & recap of how to get more SMEs involved in export

We’ll soon be hosting our third installment of our #TradeElite Twitter chat, getting international business professionals talking about the issues that matter in global trade today. During our last chat, Doug Taylor, CITP, led us in a discussion on how to get more SMEs involved in export.

Daniella D'Alimonte

With her background in writing, marketing and business journalism, Daniella focuses on crafting quality stories and relevant content to inform and inspire the international business community.

Marketing and Communications Assistant — FITT

FITT is seeking a Marketing and Communications Assistant to assist the marketing team in the implementation of the integrated marketing strategy at FITT. The individual will be expected to learn from FITT’s cutting-edge marketing tactics and play an assisting role in a variety of tactics including social media marketing, blogging, mobile app development, email campaigns etc.