Supply Chain Analyst – Kobo

Company: Kobo Position: Supply Chain Analyst Location: Toronto, ON Description: The Supply Chain Analyst will manage and improve Kobo’s reverse logistics processes with our Global partners. They will…

Get trained for international trade with a Canada job grant that offers up to $10K per employee

After a great deal of press leading up to agreements between the Canadian federal and provincial government on how the program would work and where the funding would come from, the Canada Job Grant is now available to businesses across the nation to help you get trained for international trade.

Rob Maciel

Rob holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Western University, and has published articles in several periodicals as well as given presentations throughout Canada and Portugal. As a Team Lead at Mentor Works, Rob works with business owners to obtaining funding to meet their growth strategies.

3 things you must consider before you import from abroad

Many countries have entered into trade pacts or agreements and, through negotiation, have established rules and regulations to govern orderly trade. These trade agreements, along with the relative reduction in trade barriers that ensue, make it simpler to import from abroad.

Jacob Varghese

Jacob is the VP of Marketing and Technology at the Forum for International Trade Training. Focused on improving the customer experience. A Content chef; words, images, some code and a healthy serving of web analytics.

Amber Mackereth, CITP|FIBP – International Trade Consultant

Amber Mackereth, CITP®│FIBP®, is an International Trade Consultant who, after nearly ten years in international trade, is using her expertise and experience to launch her…

Ewan Roy

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). My background is in writing and research, and I am passionate about communicating new ideas and telling stories that matter to you.

5 crucial tips to help you communicate better in global markets

Native English speakers, however, do not need to learn a new dialect of English as a second language in order to successfully communicate better in global markets and with people speaking English as a second language. That is, if you can follow these rules:

Ryan Weaver

Ryan is a Marketing Analyst at Mentor Works and holds a B.A. in economics, as well as a M.Sc in management and several published works including two book publications. Ryan is actively engaged with business owners and executives to educate them about government grants and funding available to accelerate their growth and cash flow planning activities.

Daniel Rojas, CITP|FIBP – Project Manager

Note: This article has been updated as of December 2018. Daniel Rojas, CITP®|FIBP®, is a Project Manager at Bombardier. Working in their Project Management Office…

Ewan Roy

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). My background is in writing and research, and I am passionate about communicating new ideas and telling stories that matter to you.

Five challenges you’ll need to overcome to succeed in international business

International trade requires you to operate outside your comfort zone, but that’s where the magic really happens in terms of flourishing, shining and achieving your goals.


Louei is the Director of Business Development at Canada Topp Group based in London Ontario (Canada). Canada Topp Group is an export trading company that helps Canadian companies with opportunities and business development in over 40 countries by acting as their export arm to reach a well established community of qualified distributors.