ITC Investigations Specialist – Sikorsky

Sikorsky is seeking an ITC Investigations Specialist to join its International Trade Compliance Department. The candidate will work with a group of legal and import/export compliance professionals to develop, coordinate, and resolve international trade control compliance and investigation matters in cooperation with counsel and compliance professionals.

The six mistakes CEOs make in global business and how to avoid them

This article is for you, CEO…it’s a wake-up call. It’s for CFOs and COOs too, and anyone on an executive team of a business with global growth potential. Today we’re talking about mistakes CEOs make in global business, to hopefully avoid them in yours.

Doug Bruhnke

Doug Bruhnke is CEO/founder of Global Chamber®, helping members in 500 metro areas bridge to new regional and global opportunities so that they grow more rapidly and with less risk. Global Chamber is the only organization in the world dedicated to helping companies grow across every border while collaborating with every organization that has a global touch. It takes a village to support the global tribe.

Are we looking at the right international trade statistics to improve Canada’s export capabilities?

Canada is a trading nation. Roughly 60% of our GDP is generated by international trade. It’s therefore important to get an accurate picture of international trade in this country to highlight trade stats which matter in a meaningful way. So when we’re talking about trade stats which matter, which of the international trade statistics available really matter and why?

John Treleaven, CITP|FIBP

John Treleaven is Principal and founder of The Treleaven Consulting Group. He has spent 32 years in the Canadian Foreign Service working abroad and in Ottawa in a variety of positions with a trade and economic focus. He is an expert in Canadian international trade and is focused on improving trade in Canada based on business friendly local communities.

Secret TPP negotiations irk many, but is secrecy necessary to securing an agreement?

Though coverage of the top-level talks has been dominating the headlines, the actual meat of the negotiations remain shrouded in secrecy, only hinting at the issues that may be holding countries back from signing the deal (though Wikileaks has also leaked drafted sections of the deal). These secret TPP negotiations are starting to irk some of those involved.

Jacqueline Côté

I am a working journalist, with experience as SNL Financial’s Canadian correspondent for its Mining and Metals vertical. I also served as the Managing Editor for Central Asia Newswire – covering daily economic and investment news in the region – as well as Features Editor for the Washington-based, which covers developments in the North Africa region. I have been published in The Montreal Gazette, The Guardian (UK), The New Statesman (UK), Red Pepper (UK), Geopolitical Monitor and

How Canadian and Ontario SMEs can get the help they need to grow internationally

Many Canadian businesses, both large and small, face difficulties when it comes to growing their business by tapping into new international markets. There are several major areas your business will need to address to become “trade ready” and ensure you are well positioned for global success.

Jeff Shepherd

Jeff has a passion for helping business owners and executives discover Canadian government funding programs. As Marketing Coordinator at Mentor Works, an organization that helps optimize the funding discovery and application process, Jeff educates and inspire leaders on ways to enhance their business’ growth projects. To read more of Jeff’s government funding content, view Mentor Works’ blog.

Ljubo Stankovic, CITP|FIBP – Director, International Division

Ljubo Stankovic, CITP|FIBP, has been working in international trade for close to thirty years in Serbia, Spain, Canada and the United States. After many years of dedication and achievement within the company, Ljubo has risen to become the Director, International Division of Tootsie Roll Industries, one of the world’s leading candy and confectionary companies.

Ewan Roy

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). My background is in writing and research, and I am passionate about communicating new ideas and telling stories that matter to you.

International Logistics Specialist – R+L Global Logistics

R+L Global Logistics and R+L Truckload Services is seeking an International Logistic Specialist (AE) to join our Global Team. The International Logistics Specialist will both develop and operate our Air/Ocean and Import/Export service offerings.

How Canada’s leading the way to compliance with anti-corruption sticks and carrots

I was debarred from being a U.S. government contractor, and based on my conduct and offense, it was an appropriate and fair decision. The process by which I was suspended and ultimately debarred was also fair and appropriate. While the debarment tactic is rarely enforced, Canada’s leading the way to compliance by offering rehabilitation.

Richard Bistrong

Richard Bistrong is CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC. He consults, writes and speaks about compliance issues from his experience as an international sales VP and conviction for violating the FCPA, where he pleaded guilty, cooperated with international law enforcement, and served fourteen and a half months in prison. He can be reached via his website, twitter and e-mail at

FITT-ALDO intern is wowing her new colleagues with enthusiasm, experience and know-how

“In every class there are always a couple of students who bring energy, imagination and an entrepreneurial spirit to the group. When an amazing opportunity such as an internship appears, they are quick to recognize the challenge and rise to it.” Ennio Vita-Finzi, Professor of the International Commerce Import/Export program at LaSalle College in Montreal, is talking about this year’s FITT-ALDO intern, Caroline Zhang.

Pamela Hyatt

I am the Content Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). You can find some of my work on My background is in copywriting, journalism and social media. My passion lies in connecting people to the stories that are most important to them.