How do you decide whether your product or service is ready for international marketing?

The first consideration in putting together a strategy to make your product or service attractive for international marketing is to understand the best way to present it to the target audience.

Ewan Roy

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). My background is in writing and research, and I am passionate about communicating new ideas and telling stories that matter to you.

Opportunities with the U.S. government are only a click away for Canadian exporters

In attempting to sell a product or service, it is always necessary to determine who needs it, and what problem it will solve for the buyer. In the domain of U.S. government procurement, there is an easy way to determine what they want to buy. A single U.S. government-wide resource exists for information on opportunities with the U.S. government and contract awards over U.S. $25,000.

Norman Weir

Norman Weir is a Senior Advisor at the global trade strategy consulting firm Allam Advisory Group. He specializes in Aerospace, Defence and Security as an experienced trade and security professional with a thorough knowledge of the national technology and industrial base of the United States and Canada. He has worked extensively in the United States with the Defense Logistics Agency and the United States Navy. He also served as a Canadian diplomatic attaché in Washington for 7 years. As a FITT graduate, his interest continues to lie in helping companies grow their unique businesses.

Joel Fernandez, CITP|FIBP – Executive Director

Joel Fernandez is the Executive Director of the Global Chamber in Miami, Florida, and the Vice Chairperson of the Environmental Impact Committee in his town, and an international trade entrepreneur with his own company, Intradeservice LLC.

Ewan Roy

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). My background is in writing and research, and I am passionate about communicating new ideas and telling stories that matter to you.

Import/Export Customs & Trade Compliance

Seeking Import/Export Customs and Trade Compliance, subject matter expert regarding international trade compliance for the company’s division that specializes in repair and order fulfillment services across the electronics industry as a contract, 3rd party agent.

A marathoner’s tips for a race to international trade success

Sometimes the status quo, even if it’s worked in the past, may lead to some of the pitfalls of exporting and importing instead of continued international trade success.

Lora Rigutto Vigliatore, CITP|FIBP

Lora is an International Trade and Business Development "Coach." She has a passion for international trade development and many years experience coaching businesses to expand into global markets. With fluency in Spanish, Lora has a keen interest in finding strategic partnering opportunities between Canadian and Latin American businesses and maintaining those cross-cultural relationships.

Softwood lumber trade is first U.S.-Canada issue facing newly elected Prime Minister Trudeau

Now that Trudeau has assumed his new role as Canadian Prime Minister, he will first have to contend with a long-burning trade issue between the two countries: that of softwood lumber.

Jacqueline Côté

I am a working journalist, with experience as SNL Financial’s Canadian correspondent for its Mining and Metals vertical. I also served as the Managing Editor for Central Asia Newswire – covering daily economic and investment news in the region – as well as Features Editor for the Washington-based, which covers developments in the North Africa region. I have been published in The Montreal Gazette, The Guardian (UK), The New Statesman (UK), Red Pepper (UK), Geopolitical Monitor and

How collecting the right information will make or break your market entry plan

For a company to develop the most effective plan for marketing a product internationally, it must understand the needs, desires and income of its potential customers by conducting thorough international trade research. It must also have full knowledge of distribution systems, delivery times, pricing and the most effective methods of promotion in the intended market.

Pamela Hyatt

I am the Content Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). You can find some of my work on My background is in copywriting, journalism and social media. My passion lies in connecting people to the stories that are most important to them.

Four ways to engage in international networking that work

Business pressure will often blind an executive to other ways of international networking. The following out-of-the-box methods can bring surprising results.

Ennio Vita-Finzi, CITP|FIBP

Ennio Vita-Finzi is a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) and was a Trade Commissioner in Europe, Latin America and the US as well as President of the Canadian Council for the Americas during NAFTA negotiations. He has been a multinational executive and entrepreneur and is now a College lecturer, keynote speaker, and author based in Montreal. (

Greg Gerritsen, CITP|FIBP – Global Logistics and Trade Compliance Manager

Greg Gerritsen, CITP|FIBP is the Global Logistics and Trade Compliance Manager at Phoenix Technology Services, an international oil and gas services company based in Calgary, Alberta.

Pamela Hyatt

I am the Content Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). You can find some of my work on My background is in copywriting, journalism and social media. My passion lies in connecting people to the stories that are most important to them.