Have Content, Will Travel: Marketing to Today’s Global Customers

If you’re expanding your business into foreign markets, your approach to content marketing can be the difference between success and failure.

Kathrin Bussmann

Kathrin Bussmann, Ph.D., is the multilingual Founder of Verbaccino, where the focus is on international and global marketing. Services include web content creation, social media strategy, translation and localization. Kathrin’s mission is to help businesses think outside the English-speaking box and grow beyond their current borders.

The TPP: What does it mean for Canadian international trade professionals?

For Canada, the agreement will likely result in an increase in both imports and exports, including products such as machinery, canola, beef, pork, minerals and seafood. Canadian companies will gain a competitive advantage over exporters from non-TPP countries who must still face the existing tariffs, while the same will be true for organizations importing goods to Canada.

Janice Bandick

Janice Bandick is the Communications Assistant at Ashton College, a private college in Vancouver. Founded in 1998, Ashton College has since become a national and international force in the field of education. Ashton College's International Trade diploma and certificate programs endow students with the skills, knowledge and preparation necessary to succeed in this career.

We have to do better at maximizing international trade opportunities for new Canadians

How can we complain that we don’t have enough people with the import/export skills to help our economy, while bringing in qualified immigrants and then not opening up available international trade opportunities to them?

Ennio Vita-Finzi, CITP|FIBP

Ennio Vita-Finzi is a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) and was a Trade Commissioner in Europe, Latin America and the US as well as President of the Canadian Council for the Americas during NAFTA negotiations. He has been a multinational executive and entrepreneur and is now a College lecturer, keynote speaker, and author based in Montreal. (e.vita-finzi@sympatico.ca)

Dr. Michele Vincenti, CITP|FIBP – President and CEO

As the President and CEO of Alvana Business Consulting Inc., Michele Vincenti, CITP|FIBP is able to bring over 30 years of experience to help businesses at the C-level, particularly in financial matters. He has also used his considerable import export expertise to teach at a variety of post-secondary institutions in Canada and abroad.

Ewan Roy

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). My background is in writing and research, and I am passionate about communicating new ideas and telling stories that matter to you.

Manager, Logisitics – Arc’teryx

We are seeking an individual to be responsible for managing global logistics for Arc’teryx including the flow of Inbound and Outbound products.

The one thing that will guarantee you get paid in international business deals

Conducting proper due diligence is always a good first layer of protection against some of those risks, but is often not enough on its own to guarantee you’ll get paid in international business deals. International businesses need to focus on mitigating some of the more prevalent risks inherent in conducting business abroad.

Catherine Walsh

Catherine Walsh joined Conlin Bedard LLP as an Associate in 2016 and specializes in the areas of international trade law, business and investment. Catherine was on the board of directors of OWIT (Organization of Women in International Trade) from 2013-2015, and has also co-authored several published articles on the topic of international investment and trade relations.

Environmental groups are unhappy about TPP’s failure to address climate change

As environmental groups and analysts make headway with reading through and analyzing the agreement, some groups have come out resolutely against the agreement, arguing that tying these economies together more tightly will make it harder to pass more stringent environmental relations in the future and expressing concern about the TPP’s failure to address climate change.

Jacqueline Côté

I am a working journalist, with experience as SNL Financial’s Canadian correspondent for its Mining and Metals vertical. I also served as the Managing Editor for Central Asia Newswire – covering daily economic and investment news in the region – as well as Features Editor for the Washington-based Magharebia.com, which covers developments in the North Africa region. I have been published in The Montreal Gazette, The Guardian (UK), The New Statesman (UK), Red Pepper (UK), Geopolitical Monitor and CNN.com.

The 5 biggest supply chain challenges of the growing ecommerce environment

Streamlining the combination of two omni-channel supply chains on this scale is not without its major challenges. So, what are the biggest supply chain challenges facing e-commerce retailers in today’s fast-paced business environment?

Ana Paula Picasso

Ana Paula Picasso is a Brazilian-born research analyst living in London. After working over four years as a research analyst with focus on Latin American consumer goods market working for one of the biggest market research companies in the world, Ana decided that it was time to pursue new challenges. So, in 2014 Ana became a freelance researcher and founded The Emerging Markets Hub as a platform for her passion for writing.

Two very different approaches successful exporters use to expand internationally

In a recent conversation with a Canadian company wishing to expand internationally, I learned some of the questions that potential exporters face and some of the very different strategies used by successful exporters.

Alberto Quiroz

Alberto is an expert global business developer with working experience in more than twenty countries. He is a champion of developing strategic international business relationships and a successful collaborator with CEO’s, government representatives, sales, financial and technical stakeholders. Alberto is a valued member of FITT's Board of Directors.