EDC-FITT intern makes a leap forward in her dream to help build global trade relationships

Samantha Caldwell was thrilled to become this year’s EDC-FITT intern, and she’s making the most of the opportunity to learn and grow in her career.

Pamela Hyatt

I am the Content Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). You can find some of my work on TradeReady.ca. My background is in copywriting, journalism and social media. My passion lies in connecting people to the stories that are most important to them.

Build durable international partnerships to withstand the stormy seas of global business

Many international partnerships are set up to fail because of incorrect assumptions. If we take key lessons from 17th century trading ships, we can see how best to plan ahead and strengthen partnerships to survive any import export situation.

Becky DeStigter, FIBP|CITP

Becky DeStigter is an International Business Consultant focused on helping B2B technology and professional services companies to become more globally competitive. She seeks practical solutions for growing companies’ international marketing and operational issues. Becky is based in Scottsdale, USA and works with companies worldwide.

Demand & Supply Planning Manager – Sugarfina

Sugarfina is looking to add a highly-motivated experienced forecasting and planning rock star to our LA-based corporate team. As our Demand Planning Manager, you will work closely with sales, marketing, finance, and operations to create a robust demand forecast and supply plan.

Fadi Ghaby, CITP/FIBP – Manager, Business Navigating and Reporting

Fadi Ghaby, CITP|FIBP is a Supply Chain Analyst/Senior Coordinator at ALDO Group, based out of Montreal, Canada, where he supervises the complete customs operations group, including five supporting employees.

Pamela Hyatt

I am the Content Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). You can find some of my work on TradeReady.ca. My background is in copywriting, journalism and social media. My passion lies in connecting people to the stories that are most important to them.

Reflections After the 2015 B20 Summit: “Do Your Best for the Rest of Us”

It has been a unique privilege to be nominated as a delegate for Canada to the B20 Task Force on Financing Growth, and thereafter, to receive an invitation from the organizers to attend the final summit meeting, including a joint session with Heads of State for an even smaller group of participants.

Alexander R. Malaket, CITP|FIBP

Alexander is a globally recognized specialist in international business, trade and trade finance. He is President and Founder of OPUS Advisory Services International Inc. (Canada)

Take the gambling out of global expansion by making decisions based on real data

There is one fundamental risk which has traditionally challenged export growth – market selection. Technology is quickly helping to obviate that risk and clear the path for more companies to expand internationally by making decisions based on real data.

Ed Marsh

Ed Marsh founded and runs Consilium Global Business Advisors and is Export Advisor for American Express. He is an expert in 'industrial grade' business growth consulting for mid-size manufacturing companies. Ed loves and excels at recognizing and creating business opportunities; at synthesizing the science/engineering with the art/design; at connecting the business strategy dots; and at challenging traditional assumptions.

Should you consider Brazil as an export market in 2016?

With the country in recession and experiencing several economic issues, do you need to reconsider your Brazil export or import plan this year?

Ewan Roy

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT). My background is in writing and research, and I am passionate about communicating new ideas and telling stories that matter to you.

US Market Entry Consultant – BDC

BDC’s International Growth Program offers a complete solution to help ensure Canadian Entrepreneurs’ expansion and exporting projects produce the positive results they are looking for.

U.S. businesses face growing opportunities in Cuba

Cuba and Iran are two of the most talked about topics in export compliance lately, and for good reason: both sanctions regimes are undergoing significant changes that have made headlines all over the world.

Michael Volkov

Michael Volkov is the CEO of The Volkov Law Group, a boutique law firm that specializes in ethics and compliance programs addressing trade, sanctions, anti-corruption, and anti-money laundering laws and regulations. Mr. Volkov can be reached at mvolkov@volkovlaw.com. His law firm’s website is www.volkovlaw.com, and his blog Corruption, Crime & Compliance is located at www.corruptioncrimecompliance.com.