How can your global business manage Brexit risks?

The recent UK decision to leave the European Union concerns us all. Brexit will have major implications not only for the future of the United Kingdom and…

Omar Allam and Emmanuelle Ganne

Omar Allam is a former diplomat, global entrepreneur, and CEO & Founder of the Allam Advisory Group, a Canadian based global business, strategy and commercial diplomacy consulting firm that helps companies with international expansion and manage risks worldwide. Emmanuelle Ganne serves as Vice-President Europe with Allam Advisory Group and leads AAG’s European operations in the UK, Poland, Germany and Portugal. She previously worked as adviser to former WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy.

Are you practicing the 4 pillars of a profitable supply chain?

By adapting the latest technology, focusing on improving the quality of their logistics operations, and instituting industry best practices, companies can combat international supply chain challenges.

Jennifer Nesbitt

Jennifer Nesbitt is a New York-based freelance copywriter. A former journalist and graduate of Penn State University, Jennifer now writes about a variety of topics, including business, technology and marketing. She is passionate about helping companies develop their brands by providing compelling copy that adds value to their online presence.

We’ve reached peak global trade – unless we adapt with new trends

For those not affected by the moody ponderings of the press, Britain’s self-inflicted exit from the European Union does present an interesting case study; a window into the decline of global trade.

Adam Bajan

Adam Bajan writes for Ashton College, a post-secondary college in Vancouver, BC. Founded in 1998, Ashton College is committed to providing innovative, real-world education with flexible attendance options for those wishing to enhance their skills or change careers