Trade Compliance Analyst at FlightSafety International

About FlightSafety International FlightSafety International is the world’s premier professional aviation training company and supplier of flight simulators, visual systems and displays to commercial, government…

How international trade will be impacted by Suez and Panama Canal disruptions in 2024

Drought in the Panama Canal, and recent geopolitical tensions in the Red Sea affecting the Suez Canal are causing disruptions to trade routes. How big of an impact will that have on trade in 2024?

Stephan Venter

I'm an experienced writer with deep insight into the B2B technology landscape, my work appeared in Forbes and TechCrunch and I've worked with clients such as Amazon, CloudLinux, and Infineon. I cover organizations large and small across the content remit - from blog content to whitepapers, case studies, and much more.