A primer on e-commerce and why your business should be there
Technology, especially the Internet, has transformed how business is conducted in both domestic and international markets. In 2011, the number of digital buyers worldwide…
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Technology, especially the Internet, has transformed how business is conducted in both domestic and international markets. In 2011, the number of digital buyers worldwide…
Born and raised in Paris, Julien Rosan, CITP had two passions while growing up—traveling and playing Monopoly—both inseparably linked to the intriguing world of international trade. Little did he know then that his fascinations would soon transform into an exciting career that would take him across the world.
Subcontracting is a transfer-related market entry strategy. Here are the pros and cons of adapting a subcontracting strategy.
In this article we celebrate five supply chain and logistics professionals, now CITPs, who have taken that step to advance their already impressive careers.
FITT teamed up with Startup Canada and a panel of CITP experts for this fascinating and informative Twitter chat on how to build a resilient supply chain – no easy task. Here are the highlights.
With the transition to remote work comes the switch to largely “virtual” business meetings, and that means online negotiation is becoming a new normal that we need to study as a separate method of negotiation. A good place to start is to consider these 10 tips for how to conduct effective online negotiations.
Provided on a global scale, product-related services generate billions in international trade revenue. It is important to understand the relationship between services and products when developing products.
Over the years we’ve noticed consistencies in what the designation holders say they value most in the designation, both at the time of earning it and after they’ve been able to put it into practice and reap the rewards. Here are the top seven most common benefits straight from real feedback we’ve collected.
FITT engaged more than 200 individuals in volunteer roles over the past year, helping us develop our educational content, offering skilled and objective assessment in certification and accreditation, and providing mentorship and guidance and more.
Real SME business owners tell us how FITTskills courses and earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation impacted their ventures and their personal careers. Here’s what 6 of them had to say.