Mark Kilby, CITP|FIBP – Principal Consultant and Professor
Mark Kilby, CITP|FIBP, is an experienced international business consultant and college professor.
Trending topics:
Mark Kilby, CITP|FIBP, is an experienced international business consultant and college professor.
What has changed and why are there so few Canadian SME exports? And what can be done to help more of them succeed in global markets?
Masterminds have become quite the rage in recent years, and ever since I joined my first group I realized how powerful they are as a people development strategy.
The city of Vancouver is one of the most important trade areas in BC, and indeed across Canada, with Port Metro Vancouver standing as the largest and most diverse port in the country, and one of the busiest in North America. Find out more with this amazing Vancouver infographic!
Asian market entry strategies offer exceptional opportunities for growth. It’s time for your business to take advantage of that.
When you think about starting or expanding you company in global markets, know that stats prove that the positives outweigh the risk.
Karolina Staszczak, CITP|FIBP, is an Office Manager for SPLICE Software Incorporated with a passion for international business has already led her to explore several fascinating opportunities in Europe.
Trade agreements and policies have become a common way to regulate the free flow of information on the Internet. Is that a good idea?
Rice producers in the U.S. will now be able to export their product to China, the USA Rice trade organization reported in late January.
For those looking to initiate business with the U.S. federal government, my aim is to lay aside some of the mysteries around the U.S. federal contracting process by introducing a few terms that are tossed around in a conversation, but perhaps not well understood, such as FAR, DFARS, FCT and GSA.