
Reflections After the 2015 B20 Summit: “Do Your Best for the Rest of Us”

It has been a unique privilege to be nominated as a delegate for Canada to the B20 Task Force on Financing Growth, and thereafter, to receive an invitation from the organizers to attend the final summit meeting, including a joint session with Heads of State for an even smaller group of participants.


The one thing that will guarantee you get paid in international business deals

Conducting proper due diligence is always a good first layer of protection against some of those risks, but is often not enough on its own to guarantee you’ll get paid in international business deals. International businesses need to focus on mitigating some of the more prevalent risks inherent in conducting business abroad.


5 ways due diligence can prevent fraud in your international contracts

All parties in all commercial transactions should be aware of the potential for fraud. In some cases those parties you negotiate with may not even be aware of the liability they pose. Being vigilant by doing your due diligence is the only real way to prevent fraud in your international contracts.