
Dr. Michele Vincenti, CITP|FIBP – President and CEO

As the President and CEO of Alvana Business Consulting Inc., Michele Vincenti, CITP|FIBP is able to bring over 30 years of experience to help businesses at the C-level, particularly in financial matters. He has also used his considerable import export expertise to teach at a variety of post-secondary institutions in Canada and abroad.


Joel Fernandez, CITP|FIBP – Executive Director

Joel Fernandez is the Executive Director of the Global Chamber in Miami, Florida, and the Vice Chairperson of the Environmental Impact Committee in his town, and an international trade entrepreneur with his own company, Intradeservice LLC.


Abdel Azzouzi, CITP|FIBP – Manager of Trade Finance

Abdel Azzouzi, CITP|FIBP, is a Manager of Trade Finance with Desjardins, specializing in structured and export finance. Since first discovering FITT a decade ago, he’s used his training to take his career in new directions and build an impressive array of international trade expertise.