Leslye Sanguino – CITP|FIBP – International Trade Advisor
Leslye Sanguino has risen quickly up the international trade ladder in the last few years, with experience in both the public and private sector.
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Leslye Sanguino has risen quickly up the international trade ladder in the last few years, with experience in both the public and private sector.
Recent developments in leadership theory have focused on two important leadership qualities: transformational leadership, and the concept of attribution.
Gap analysis is a structured way of comparing actual performance with potential performance to focus future planning and development.
Tahir Khurshid is an expert in his field, with over 30 years of global experience working for companies like Proctor and Gamble, Unilever, Mars and PepsiCo.
We asked some experts to share their thoughts in our latest #TradeElite chat about how to sell online and find your path to e-commerce success,
Over the past 20 years, Harmeet Kohli has split his time between various consulting efforts and teaching international business courses at several schools.
Co-ordinating each component in global supply chains involves many challenges, both predictable and unpredictable – how can you manage them all?
Protecting intellectual property has become a challenging issue in international trade, both to reduce theft and ensure the most vulnerable are protected.
Floyd Simpkins has taught every FITTskills course at St. Clair College at one point or another and enriched the careers of countless students along the way.
Smaller companies can’t always scale down the techniques larger companies use in other markets, so they have to be creative to make sure they’re noticed.