5 new CITPs in the supply chain management and logistics industries share their career stories


image showing different aspects of supply chain management and logistics in miniature over a laptop keyboard

image showing different aspects of supply chain management and logistics in miniature over a laptop keyboard

Ask a CEO who has an export growth strategy in place “What do you do?”, and they will answer to their sector: “I am in: agriculture, aviation, mining, fish, French fries, breakfast cereals…” Ask their employees what they do, and they will answer to their job title: “I am a: business development manager; account manager; accountant; supply chain specialist; logistics specialist; compliance officer…”

If you work in the supply chain or logistics fields, you are an international trade professional

Generally speaking, neither the CEO nor the employee will readily define themselves as being involved in international trade, but these individuals are undoubtedly international trade professionals.

International trade is not only an activity of exchanging products and services across borders, but a true occupation and profession that takes a specialized set of knowledge, skills and abilities to perform. And having those skills and abilities recognized formally with a professional designation holds a number of compelling benefits for supply chain and logistics professionals.

No matter what your goals may be for your career or where you’d like to specialize, if your work touches on cross-border transactions, earning a professional designation will promote you as an individual, expand your competency as a professional, and open a lot of doors for your career.

In this article we celebrate five supply chain and logistics professionals, now CITPs, who have taken that step to advance their already impressive careers, inspire confidence in their colleagues and clients, validate their international business knowledge, and join a vast network of other business professionals and leaders.

Michael Wong, CITP – Director, Marketing & Logistics, CST Canada Coal Limited

Headshot of Supply Chain professionalMichael Wong, CITP

Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: October 2021

As a director for CST Canada Coal Limited, Michael Wong is an industry leader with expertise in marketing and logistics. He has always been business minded, and international business was a passion of his early on. He got started as an entrepreneur while he was in university, and his career has been incredibly successful thus far.

Wong’s desire to pursue the CITP designation originated from the wish to validate his international business knowledge. The increase in credibility and business partners’ confidence is invaluable to him and to his career. In his own words, “the CITP designation is recognized across the world as a token of competence and credibility.” Without this designation, he would not be able to promote himself as an industry expert.

Wong is currently responsible for the inclusive needs of global sales, logistics, and business development for the company. Every decision he makes is impactful, whether it relates to product pricing, contract negotiations, or business development planning. With his 15 years of experience, Wong has used his knowledge and skills to achieve all of the growth targets set out for the company.

While Wong is excelling in the business world, one of the goals he is hoping to achieve with the help of the CITP designation, and the community that comes along with it, is to become the expert that others come to for help.

“The CITP community provides me with a network of other international trade professionals that I can reach out to and connect with. I would like to be able to provide advice and guidance to those in need.”

His admiration and appreciation of the designation is summed up perfectly with these words:

“They say one picture is worth a thousand words. To me, the CITP designation is worth more – it encapsulated years of dedication, failures, frustration, blood, sweat and tears, sensation, thrills, gratulation. Words can’t express the mixed emotions.”

Want to connect with Michael?
LinkedIn: Michael Wong

Want to learn more about the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP®|FIBP®) designation? See why it’s the world’s most recognized designation for competency and credibility in global business.

Gabriel Cruz, CITP –  Global Supply Chain Manager, Vytelle

Headshot of supply chain professional Gabriel Cruz, CITP


Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: September 2021

Gabriel Cruz, the global supply chain manager for Vytelle, was captivated by the industry as early as boarding school cadets. For him, a logistics course was his introduction to the supply chain industry, and his dedication has led to a successful career on an international scale.

His interest in the CITP designation came from its recognition in the global industry; it is an instant way for business partners and potential clients to gain confidence in his experience, knowledge, and abilities.

Cruz recognizes the importance of keeping up with constant change. He values self-improvement and a well-rounded network; the CITP designation has helped him accomplish both.

In a simple statement that really hits home, Cruz says “I believe this is a great designation.” His feelings are replicated in every individual who has pursued this path. The worldwide validation of the CITP designation ensures that his belief that it will create more opportunities for his career is perfectly realistic.

Want to connect with Gabriel?
LinkedIn: Gabriel Cruz


Yuen Wah Wan, CITP – Manager, International Trade Division – Saraya HongKong Co. Limited

Headshot of supply chain professional Yuen Wah Wan, CITP

Earned her elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: September 2021

“It is essential not only to business, but also to the well-being of mankind.”

Yuen Wah Wan’s powerful words signify the importance of international trade to every country and individual. Her journey towards achieving the CITP designation inspired her and taught her just how much there is to learn about the industry. Her interest in improving herself and enhancing her career was only compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the designation was a great way to further her studies and improve her competency and effectiveness in the industry.

As one of the first people in Hong Kong to earn the CITP designation, Yuen Wah Wan sees herself as a pioneer in her city. “The training, resources, and networking opportunities provided by FITT” were the outcomes she most appreciated.

She did not come into the industry with an academic background in business, but rather with Japanese language skills as her main contribution.

The FITTskills courses helped prepare her for her work in the International Trade Division at her company and facilitate communication between different divisions.

The FITTskills courses and CITP designation were the perfect complement for her work experience, and with her promotion to manager after three years with the company, Yuen Wah Wan is equipped to advance her career even further.

Miguel Murphy, CITP – International Trade & Supply Chain Management

Headshot of supply chain professional Miguel Murphy CITP

Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: February 2020

Miguel Murphy is another successful international trade and supply chain management professional. For as long as he can remember, trading and commerce has been a passion of his. The industry intrigued him and never relinquished its hold.

He decided to progress through the FITTskills program in order to round out his knowledge and skills and meet the requirements needed to be successful internationally. He credits the courses for his ability to “meet the Canadian benchmark for doing business in the international arena.”

Courses such as International Trade Finance can equip a person with the ability to succeed where others fail in the industry, and Miguel Murphy recognized its value, saying:

“International Trade Finance is the glue that brings every international trade transaction together to completion.”

Miguel’s goals when applying for the CITP designation were to gain new skills and knowledge, advance career options on a global scale, and expand his network, and he recognizes the role the designation plays in increasing his confidence and the professional recognition he needs for success in a competitive and fast-paced industry.

Want to connect with Miguel?
LinkedIn: Miguel Murphy


Ossama Talaat, CITP – Supply Chain, Logistics and Trade Execution

Headshot of supply chain professional Ossama Talaat CITP

Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: April 2020

“It’s a great honor to obtain the elite CITP®|FIBP® designation.”

Ossama Talaat is an expert in the intricacies of the international supply chain, logistics, and trade execution. As a winner of the 2009 Best Innovative Idea award from the Cargill Sugar Worldwide Innovation Idea Campaign, Talaat is already recognized as a creative thinker. Since he was given the opportunity to fully implement his strategy in a real-world scenario, his skills and competency are validated as well.

His takeaways from obtaining the designation include career advancement and an expanded network of professionals on an international scale. Adding credibility to his experience and career development were his main motivating factors for pursuing the designation, and his successes speak to the effect it has had on him as an individual and as a business leader.

Want to connect with Ossama?
LinkedIn: Ossama Talaat

We are thrilled to welcome these five outstanding international trade professionals to the CITP|FIBP community and look forward to following their careers and celebrating their future accomplishments. Why not connect with them and see how including them in your network can open doors for you?

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation. 

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation


About the author

Author: Paige Henley

Paige is a freelance writer based in the Canadian Prairies. She is a nocturnal animal getting most of her work done before watching the sunrise. When she isn’t writing, she raises orphaned kittens in partnership with her local humane society, curls up with a good book, and works on DIY projects around the house.

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