CITP Spotlight: Julien Rosan – Trade Commissioner, Global Affairs Canada


Julian Rosen CITP standing in front of Chicago skyline
Earned his elite CITP®|FIBP® designation: April 2022

Julian Rosen CITP standing in front of Chicago skyline

Born and raised in Paris, Julien Rosan had two passions while growing uptraveling and playing Monopoly—both inseparably linked to the intriguing world of international trade. Little did he know then that his fascinations would soon transform into an exciting career that would take him across the world.  

Julien went on to obtain a master’s degree in international trade administration along with a master’s in business administration in marketing and got his first work experience in Europe, North America, and Australia. His career has taken him far away from his native France, and today he works for the Government of Canada in the United States. 

Successfully rising to challenges early on in his career

Julian Rosen outside the Sydney Opera House during his first job in Australia
Julien Rosan outside the Sydney Opera House during his first job in Australia

After just a few days in his new job after moving to Chicago, Julien happened to bump into the CEO who asked if he would be able to secure his first deal by the end of that month. 

I had no clue if I could deliver on this promise, but I confidently stated, “For sure!”. Lucky me, and my French, I was able to sign a brand-new account from Quebec on the very last day of the month.’


Another notable occasion when Julien’s innate problem-solving skills came to the fore was while he was part of an official, high-level diplomatic delegation to meet with the executive leadership of one of the world’s largest healthcare corporations.

The situation became complicated when just a few hours before the meeting, a health scandal broke out, making allegations against the company they were scheduled to meet with. As this triggered an immediate public reaction from the Minister of Health back home, the onus was on Julien to navigate the sticky situation.

Displaying exceptional stress management skills, he delivered a last-minute confidential briefing to officials on this sensitive issue, thus successfully managing to ease the tensions and move forward smoothly with the proceedings. 

A moment of pride

When nominated for the Emerging Leaders Program of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Julien had the chance to analyze global issues with his peers and meet with thought leaders, foreign officials, and policymakers. The highlight of this program was attending the Chicago Council’s Centennial Celebration honoring President Barack Obama and Yo-Yo Ma. 

Want to learn more about the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP®|FIBP®) designation? See why it’s the world’s most recognized designation for competency and credibility in global business.

Julien’s advice to the newbies: The importance of networking can never be over-emphasized

Julien Rosen CITP doing a business presentation in France
Julien Rosan CITP doing a presentation to the French-American Chamber of Commerce in Detroit, Michigan

At the beginning of his career, Julien relied on his knowledge and interpersonal skills to find a job, or to move to the United States. But during the course of his career, he has come to understand how crucial it is to network, seek referrals, and build professional relationships. Nowadays when he receives LinkedIn requests from students seeking advice or internship connections, he makes it a point to remain as approachable and helpful as ever.

I love this proactive approach and always keep my door open as I can see myself in them 10 years ago.”

International trade training that kept him on his toes

Julien already had 10 years of professional experience before he earned his FITT Diploma. However, he chose to sign up for FITTskills courses as he knew the training would help polish his existing knowledge and equip him with practical, real-world insights.

The online exam questions – combining critical thinking and real-world case studies – kept me on my toes.”

My favorite FITTskills course was International Market Entry Strategies as I have a personal affinity for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). I also appreciated the Intercultural Competence module included in this course.” 

A desire to formalize his knowledge and experience

As a Trade Commissioner working for Global Affairs Canada, Julien wanted to pursue a certification that would help him excel in his position, and that would be highly valued within his organization. He applied for the prestigious, industry-recognized CITP®|FIBP® designation which he earned in April 2022. The addition of this valued credential to his professional portfolio gave him a sense of achievement and satisfaction. 

Julien looks forward to leveraging the distinguished designation to continue to excel in his career and to contribute to furthering the cause of international trade.  

His talent, knowledge, and rich experience in his field have set the stage for greater successes and an ever-soaring professional trajectory in the years to come. 

Want to connect with Julien?

LinkedIn: Julien Rosan

Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation


Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.

Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.

The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.

*Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) is trademarked for use within Canada. FITT International Business Professional (FIBP) is trademarked for use internationally. Both reflect the same FITT-certified designation. 

Click here to take the next steps to your CITP designation

About the author

Author: Meghana Joshi

I am the Email Marketing Specialist for the Forum for International Trade Training. My background is in content marketing, copywriting, research and creative writing. I am passionate about my craft and enjoy creating content that attracts, impacts and resonates with my audience.

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