For a little over a year and a half, Jessica Ullathorne, CITP|FIBP has been an account manager with Expeditors, a global logistics company with over 250 locations across six continents. During her time in the role, Jessica has been responsible for business development, designing and presenting customized solutions to her clients, reporting on key performance indicators, and supporting her customers.
The company’s services include air and ocean freight, domestic and trans-border trucking, customs brokerage, order management, warehousing and distribution and customized logistics solutions.
Working for a big company involved in supply chain operations for companies all over the world has presented an excellent learning opportunity for Jessica, early on in her career.
In my time at Expeditors I have already learned so much about international trade. We work with a diverse customer base, serving many different industries around the world. This is one of the things I love about my job because I am working closely with a wide range of companies engaged in varying levels of international commerce.
The solo journey that cemented her path
Jessica may be in the early days of her career, but she is no stranger to international travel and integrating with new cultures.
“I had my first experience travelling and living abroad at 17 when my family moved to Nizhnevartovsk, Russia for my father’s job. I lived in Siberia for a year and a half and got to learn how to adapt to a different culture, language and way of living.”
This early experience immersing herself in an international setting had a big impact on Jessica, and led her down the path to international business. She was so inspired by her first major international travel experience that she decided to take the solo adventure of a lifetime.
“It was what sparked my interest in travel and global markets. I came back to Calgary for a year and was unsure of what career path to pursue, but knew that I wanted to travel again. So I took off for 10 months by myself.”
“On that trip I spent six months in China, returned to Russia for a few months, and then spent a month in both India and Japan.”
“Getting to experience so many diverse global markets was what led me to decide to study international business. I have always been drawn to the idea of working and living abroad. I love the experience of gaining a new perspective by embracing another culture’s norms and traditions.”

Hands-on training helped prepare her for global trade reality
Knowing she wanted to pursue a career in international trade, Jessica studied at Mount Royal University, a FITTskills Delivery Partner. She graduated in 2014 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management, a minor in International Business and a second minor in Art History.
Her degree was an excellent foundation in international business, but Jessica decided she wanted to supplement it with more targeted training. Her experiences with the FITTskills courses integrated into her program at MRU inspired her to continue with FITT’s training and certification.
I got introduced to the FITTskills courses through the International Business minor at MRU and enjoyed them so much that I decided to pursue the FITT Diploma in International Trade.
“I found the courses to be so beneficial in my understanding of international trade that when I completed my university program, it was an easy decision to continue on to complete the FITT Diploma in International Trade.”
“I took six of the eight FITTskills courses at MRU for my international business minor, and two online. It was great to have the option to take the courses online and I found it to be an easy transition from the classroom setting.”
“I particularly enjoyed the Market Entry Strategies and International Trade Management courses because the projects took you through the development of an in depth international business plan, which I found very beneficial for understanding the factors of operating a business in a global economy.”
Focused on connecting with others worldwide
Jessica successfully completed the FITTskills program, earning her diploma in September 2015. She applied for her elite CITP®|FIBP® designation right away to cement her commitment to the industry.
“I chose to pursue the CITP®|FIBP® designation because I am dedicated to furthering my knowledge of international trade and think it will be a great way to be connected to the international community.”
“I feel proud to have earned the elite CITP®|FIBP® designation and I am looking forward to taking advantage of the networking opportunities that the designation provides.”
Jessica travels regularly between Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta to present her clients with quarterly business review and key performance indicators to evaluate Expeditors’ performance. She also supports her clients’ international trade efforts with new customized logistics solutions.
Jessica continues to travel for fun in her spare time, having already visited locations as varied as Thailand, Montenegro, Croatia, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Holland, Czech Republic, Austria and several regions of the U.S.
“I find it interesting how culture plays such a vital part in international business, and enjoy meeting and working with people from different backgrounds.”
With a long, promising career ahead of her as an elite global trade professional, it seems certain she will have many more opportunities to do just that.
Learn more about the CITP®|FIBP® designation
International Business Certification—CITP®|FIBP®
Advance your career and build your professional credibility in the field of global business by earning the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation.
Why Earn the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Designation?
The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation is the world’s leading professional designation for the field of international business. So whether you’re new to global trade or have over a decade of direct experience, you’ll find the CITP designation can help advance your career and build your professional credibility.
The CITP designation sets you apart in the competitive international business industry because it’s proof you possess the competencies global business experts have identified as being essential for a successful career in international trade. It also recognizes your dedication to ethical business practices and ongoing professional development—both of which are desirable traits for today’s global business practitioners.
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